Funding for Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency Activities
There is a total funding pot of £300,000 with grants of between £2,000 and £20,000. It is expected that up to 40 not-for-profit organisations in the South East, East of England and London will receive funding.
Eligible projects must deliver outcomes in the following two categories:
Income maximisation for vulnerable households through face-to-face energy efficiency advice, including tariff switching and time of use tariff awareness; new registrations for the Priority Service Register; provision of energy advice training and support for frontline workers.
CO2 and financial savings and energy efficiency improvements for popular community spaces achieved through the installation of insulation, low-energy lighting and appliances, heating upgrades or renewable technologies.
There will be two funding rounds.
The deadline for applications to Round one is 18 February 2019 (6pm).
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