Chalk Cliff Trust

Closing Date: –

Grants are available for charities to deliver projects and activities that benefit local communities in the East Sussex area. 

This fund aims to support organisations involved in the following areas of activity:

  • Youth schemes and activities, such as youth centres, clubs, and arts-focused projects.
  • Concerns involved in children’s activities, such as playgroups, kids clubs, or children’s education, and the relief of poverty.
  • The care of the elderly, such as events and activities for elderly people, or transport needs.
  • Activities for people with learning difficulties or disabilities.
  • Overseas aid, such as projects concerned with education, malnutrition, or medical-related activities.
  • Activities concerned with the care or preservation of the environment.
  • Regional art, music, literature, and cultural projects, especially related to the groups mentioned above.
  • Other types of community initiatives. 
Funding body Chalk Cliff Trust
Maximum value Discretionary
Reference ID S53655
Category Community Development
Arts, Culture & Heritage
Children & Young People
Health & Social Welfare
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