Capital Funding to Improve Educational Buildings and Facilities
The Department for Education (DfE) is providing the T Levels Capital Fund (TLCF) with the aim of helping eligible providers have world class facilities for the delivery of T Levels.
T Levels are new technical study programmes that will sit alongside apprenticeships within a skills training system.
There are two elements of the fund:
1. Specialist equipment allocation (SEA)
2. Buildings and facilities improvement grant (BFIG)
All providers that have been selected to deliver T Levels from September 2022 are in scope to receive the Specialist Equipment Allocation (SEA).
Buildings and facilities improvement grant (BFIG)
Eligible providers should apply for a BFIG if they have a pressing need for capital funding to support the delivery of T Levels. For example, if their buildings are in poor condition, unsuitable for delivering T Levels or they have an estate at risk of becoming inefficient and their project can deliver high value for money.
This process will cover all pathways included in the T Level route(s). The seven pathways are:
Education and childcare
Health and science
Engineering and manufacturing
Business and administration
Legal, finance, and accounting.
Eligible applicants must be a provider on the DfE’s list of Providers selected to deliver T Levels; and:
Are an Academy, Further Education College, Higher Education Institution, School, Sixth Form College or University Technical College; and
Have not previously been awarded a BFIG for the T Level route for which they are applying.
Where an Academy is part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) the MAT will need to apply on behalf of the Academy.
Grants of between £200,000 and £1,400,000 are available (depending on which pathway is being applied for).
The deadline for applications is 26 March 2021 (noon).
More information about this funding opportunity and the application process is available on the GRANTfinder funding information platform. GRANTfinder provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on funding news and policy. To find out more about how GRANTfinder can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.