Dunhill Medical Trust Community Grants Accepting Applications
The Dunhill Medical Trust, a UK-based charitable trust founded in 1950, provides grants to third sector organisations active in the UK.
The Trust offers two funding schemes for community-based organisations who work directly with older people who need some form of extra support to make everyday living that bit easier:
Project grants of between £5,000 and £40,000 for projects lasting up to 36 months. Supports time-limited projects which focus on the development of care and support services for older people.
Building and physical infrastructure grants of between £5,000 and £100,000 (awarded as a single lump sum). Funds may provide accommodation in the built environment for older people to enhance and maintain their health, well-being and independence or can provide specific pieces of equipment or furnishings which can be used for the care and support of individuals.
Applications can only be considered from organisations or groups which are charitable as defined by UK charity law. This includes UK registered charities and relevant exempt charities. The Trust will not normally support applications for its schemes for community-based organisations from organisations with an annual income in excess of £10 million or with £100 million or more in assets.
The application deadline for both Project and Building & Physical Infrastructure grants is 29 March 2019 (5pm)
A second application round will open on 1 July 2019.
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