Foundation Scotland – Regenerative Futures Fund

Closing Date: 22/04/2025

Unrestricted 10 year grants are available to community groups and collectives in Edinburgh to address the root causes of poverty and racism in a just and environmentally sustainable way.

The overall aims of the Fund are to:

  • Support organisations and collectives to work on long-term solutions to the complex problem of tackling the root causes of poverty, racism and the environmental crisis.
  • Engage with local authority leaders, funders and others to learn and collaborate with funded organisations on shared objectives and wider system change.
  • Support a more diverse and experience-informed group of voices to shape change and direct resources towards the programme goals.
  • Create new solutions to long-term entrenched challenges faced by Edinburgh and its diverse communities.
  • Edinburgh residents see improvements in their financial security, prospects, and natural environment, with a more tolerant society in place.
  • Residents living in poverty in Edinburgh are empowered to play a central role in improving the lives of people living in poverty and experiencing racism. They increase their skills and confidence, and their influence, either through new paid roles or setting up or joining in campaigns/movements.
  • Movements and grassroots community organisations have the resources and networks they need to develop a powerful voice in Edinburgh, and the space to imagine a better future and begin to shape it.
Funding body Foundation Scotland
Maximum value £1,000,000
Reference ID S53645
Category Community Development
Health & Social Welfare
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