Funding for Projects in Areas of Greatest Need in Rural UK
Organisations can apply for a maximum of £50,000, or £25,000 if a shop, pub, or village hall project (inclusive of VAT) for a maximum period of three years.
Projects must take place in a rural area and focus on at least one of the following three areas:
Sustaining Rural Communities
Projects that deliver assets and services that keep isolated communities together and develop a more sustainable rural economy.
Developing sustainable rural community assets, businesses and services.
Providing advice and new skills and business training that benefit the local economy.
Improving the prospects of viability for farm and rural businesses
Projects that will focus on developing stronger, more sustainable farm businesses and other rural enterprises with the aim of halting the decline of the rural economy.
Encouraging local food production and short supply chains and knowledge transfer e.g. farmer networks.
Providing new skills and training for rural, and agricultural benefit.
Supporting Aid Delivery in Emergency and Building Resilience
Projects that support farm businesses, rural businesses and communities to plan for and recover from natural disasters such as flooding or animal disease and build resilience.
Applications for core costs such as staffing, overheads, training and equipment will be considered.
The deadline for applications is 21 February 2019 (4pm).
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