Global Funding for Innovation in Drone Technologies
The Drone X Challenge 2020 is a financial opportunity for innovative companies from across the globe, which aims to ‘push the frontiers’ of R&D and innovation in drone technology.
The scheme in intended to accelerate the practical deployment of drones/UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) in key applications focusing on transportation and delivery. Innovative commercial solutions that can tackle the challenges of ‘payload capacity’ and ‘flight endurance’ are being sought.
The winning early stage start-ups will have an opportunity to obtain capital investment and enrolment in the Krypto Labs incubator, in return for Krypto Labs receiving a stake in the business.
The final prize US$1 million prize will be divided among the winners. The sponsor is planning to grant US$300,000 to qualifying teams, but could potentially provide more funding if more teams demonstrate outstanding progress.
Companies and teams from across the world may apply. Sectors include aerial photography, weather forecasting, transportation, logistics, disaster and building management, search and rescue operations and law enforcement surveillance.
The deadline for applications to be submitted is 5 July 2020.
More information about this funding opportunity and the application process is available on the GRANTfinder funding information platform. GRANTfinder provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on funding news and policy. To find out more about how GRANTfinder can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.