LGA Housing Advisers Programme Opens for 2019/20
The Local Government Association’s (LGA’s) Housing Advisers Programme is designed to support local authorities deliver a project that helps meet the housing need of their local area. It aims to be simple, flexible, and locally-led.
The programme funds the provision of an independent adviser to offer bespoke expert support to local authorities undertaking a specific project that works towards – delivering homes, reducing homelessness, or generating savings or revenues.
In the previous two years of the Housing Advisers Programme, the LGA have funded over 100 councils to help councils build homes, reduce homelessness, plan for population ageing, understand the student housing market, increase supply of modular housing, and more.
For 2019/20, the LGA want to support a smaller number of larger, strategic housing projects. The programme will award up to £50,000 to each project for the purpose of securing expert advice in transforming how a service or partnership meets a housing need of communities. The programme will fund ambitious projects seeking to improve outcomes, this might involve looking at:
design delivery
operations workforce
Local authorities in England are eligible to apply.
The deadline for applications is 19 September 2019.
More information about this funding opportunity and the application process is available on the GRANTfinder funding information platform. GRANTfinder provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on funding news and policy. To find out more about how GRANTfinder can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.