SBRI Northern Ireland – Lough Neagh: Blue-Green Algae Small Business Research Initiative

Closing Date: 13/09/2024

Funding is available to organisations in Northern Ireland to explore potential solutions to treat and reduce blue-green algae blooms without impacting the natural environment of Lough Neagh and associated Northern Ireland waterways.

Lough Neagh and other waterways in Northern Ireland, and more widely, have been experiencing significant seasonal algal blooms. There has been increasing concerns about the aesthetic and environmental impact, which is the result of excessive nutrients entering water courses from agriculture and wastewater, as well as increasing temperatures and invasive species.

In 2023, blue-green algae was particularly acute in Lough Neagh, with cyanobacterial growth prevalent throughout the Lough for much of the summer. To address this, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs is seeking potential solutions to treat the blue-green algae mass and reduce or suppress growth through this SBRI competition, which has a three-phase structure. Phase 1 is intended to demonstrate the technical feasibility of a proposed concept and its viability as a solution for DAERA.

Funding body Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)
Maximum value £90,000
Reference ID S52706
Category Research & Development
Business Support
Community Development
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