The Charlotte Aitkens Trust

Closing Date: –

Grants are available for charitable organisations within the UK who promote the creative arts for the public benefit, especially literature, whether fiction, non-fiction drama or poetry.

The Trust awards a small number of grants each to non-profit organisations within the UK whose work addresses the aims of the Trust which are to:

  • Advance the education of the public in the subject of literature.
  • Promote the creative arts for the public benefit, especially literature, whether fiction, non-fiction drama or poetry.

The charity carries out these objects by:

  • Funding prizes and grants, working where possible, though not exclusively, with existing charities.
  • Funding some capital developments, notably building, for instance restoration of the Brontë Museum at Haworth and Arvon Foundation teaching centre at Lumb Bank.
  • Given the young age of Charlotte Aitken at the time of her death, the charity is enthusiastic about engaging younger people in literature and some of its partnerships are with school programmes.
Funding body The Charlotte Aitkens Trust
Maximum value Discretionary
Reference ID S53662
Category Arts, Culture & Heritage
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