Wales Millennium Charitable Trust to Reopen on 1 May

Grants will be available to community organisations in Wales to support projects and activities in the areas of sport, the arts, the community and the environment.

The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust was established through an agreement between the Millennium Stadium plc and the Millennium Commission when the Stadium was built. The Trust is an all-Wales organisation. All funds distributed by the Trust are allocated to make a difference to people in Wales.

The Trust has announced the application window to Round 44 of its funding programme. The following types of organisations are eligible to apply:

  • Charitable organisations.
  • Properly constituted voluntary organisations.
  • Not-for-profit organisations.
  • Voluntary groups working with local authorities (applicants cannot be the local authority).
  • Groups of any age.

Funding is issued according to the geographical area that an organisation has a remit to cover. The Trust has classified the categories as follows:

  • Local organisations: Awards of up to £5,000 are available for organisations with a remit to serve their local community or town.
  • Regional organisations: Awards of up to £10,000 are available for organisations with a remit to cover a region or local authority-wide area of Wales, ie Powys or North East Wales.

Priority is given to organisations serving groups and communities suffering from the greatest disadvantage.

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