Welsh Government Launches COVID-19 Relief Grants for Start-ups
Welsh Government Launches COVID-19 Relief Grants for Start-ups
The Welsh Government’s new Start Up Grant has been created to support new businesses in Wales in dealing with the severe impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19).
The fund will be worth £5 million initially, with flexibility for the future. It will support up to 2,000 businesses in Wales, with grants of £2,500 each. This will provide funding to those who established their businesses between 1 April 2019 and 1 March 2020, helping them to continue trading through the pandemic.
Additionally, the Welsh Government has re-opened applications for phase two of its Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) to support businesses, social enterprises and charities that are not eligible for other Welsh Government COVID-19 non-repayable grant support. Applicants can claim up to £10,000 for micro businesses, £100,000 for SMEs and £690,000 for large businesses.
Applications for the Start Up Grant are now open. The scheme will be administered by local authorities and accessed through the Economic Resilience Fund eligibility checker on the Business Wales website.
Phase 2 of the ERF is open to applications until 10 July 2020 (or until it is fully committed).
GRANTfinder is closely monitoring all the relevant news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the consequences for the funding landscape. This dedicated page will keep you updated on which funds and extra support have been announced to counteract the impact of the outbreak.