£17m to Support Vulnerable Energy Consumers
The Energy Saving Trust has been appointed by Ofgem to distribute payments to charities from energy companies who have breached rules. The Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme will be administered until 2021.
The priority of the scheme is to support individual energy consumers in vulnerable situations, with a small percentage of the fund available to support innovative products and services that will help existing or future energy consumers.
The funds can pay for anything from making a home more energy efficient, to providing advice that helps consumers keep on top of their bills.
A total of £17 million is being provided for Round Six.
The minimum grant that can be requested is £20,000 and the maximum amount of funding available through the scheme varies throughout the year and will be reviewed on a quarterly basis in October, January, April and July.
Charitable organisations that support energy customers in England, Scotland and Wales are eligible to apply.
The deadline for applications to Round Six is 19 February 2020.
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