Chancellor’s £750m Coronavirus Funding Package for UK’s Charities
Chancellor’s £750m Coronavirus Funding Package for UK’s Charities
Rishi Sunak, chancellor of the exchequer, has announced the Government will provide £750 million to frontline charities across the UK so that they can continue their services to those in need during the coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis.
The Chancellor announced the following on 8 April:
£360 million will be directly allocated by Government departments to charities providing key services and supporting vulnerable people during the crisis. These will include:
Hospices to help increase capacity and give stability to the sector.
St Johns Ambulance to support the NHS.
Victims charities, including domestic abuse, to help with potential increase in demand for charities providing these services.
Vulnerable children charities, so they can continue delivering services on behalf of local authorities.
Citizens Advice to increase the number of staff providing advice during this difficult time.
£370 million will be directed to small and medium-sized charities, including through a grant to the National Lottery Community Fund for those in England, to support those organisations at the heart of local communities which are making a big difference during the outbreak, including those delivering food, essential medicines and providing financial advice. The application system for the National Lottery Community Fund grant pot is expected to be operational within coming weeks.
The Government will match fund whatever the public decides to donate to the BBC’s Big Night In charity appeal on 23 April, with a minimum contribution of £20 million to the National Emergencies Trust (NET) appeal.
Some £30 million will go to the Scottish Government, £20 million to the Welsh Government, and £10 million to the Northern Ireland Executive, with the hope that the money will support the charity sector.
This week’s announcement builds on previous announcements by the Chancellor to support charities and businesses, including deferring their VAT bills, paying no business rates for their shops next year, and furloughing staff where possible with the Government paying 80% of their wages.
A copy of the Chancellor’s speech is available on GOV.UK.
GRANTfinder is closely monitoring all the relevant news about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the consequences for the funding landscape. This dedicated page will keep you updated on which funds and extra support have been announced to counteract the impact of the outbreak.